All animated things live on water or land under the environment. The environment also indicates air, land, water, plants, sunlight, animals, etc. It can be said that the environment is considered a blanket that covers everything on the planet. Geomorphic processes, atmospheric processes, and hydrologic processes are the main factors of the environment that greatly influence humans. Living objects are connected with circumstances that are defined as Ecology. A domain is a suitable situation where we can feel, eat and breathe with certainty. Ecology is a part of the environment with a complete cycle of life to maintain a healthy balance of the ecosystem on the Earth. It is very important to support growth and give nourishment to both nonliving and living things. Our healthy and important life is based on the environment. So it is very important to keep our surroundings neat and clean to have a peaceful and long life. For the world's existence, the foremost duty is planting trees for the sake of nature's balance.
Nowadays, human activities are dependent on science and technology. So this activity has affected the environment. So it is our responsibility to have a safe environment, our surroundings to make a healthy society that will build strong citizens in the future. Without a fresh atmosphere, it is impossible to survive and imagine a strong and healthy world. Humans are mainly responsible for this harsh environment. Water is polluted with rough water, waste products, and other bad and non-biodegradable objects due to emerging smoke from industry and vehicles. Noise pollution occurs due to the shrill horns of cars. Soil pollution mainly depends on non-biodegradable things. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, CFC, and vapour are increasing daily due to human activities harmful to the environment and improve the Earth's temperature, creating adverse situations for the living things; this is called global warming. As a result, it has started to melt ice and has increased the sea's water level. It has indicated that our life is going to become more dangerous in the future. In this technological era, which food we eat is not healthy and suitable for our bodies. Various diseases derive from these unhygienic food habits due to artificial fertilizers. As a result, these fertilizers spoil our immunity power and make our bodies weak. It is seen that man cannot fight against disease and is affected by various conditions. The above study defines that the environment is one of the most important parts to develop this beautiful nature. Here to get best assignment experts.
At last, lack of following a healthy lifestyle, the man falls sick. Air and water pollution are also responsible for raising many diseases. Additionally, environmental pollution has a wide negative aspect on our daily life. These factors may be economic, social, and physical.
This advanced technology is widely responsible for destroying the balance of the environment. From industry harmful smoke is coming out daily in huge quantities that creates air pollution. This pollution has a bad impact on animals, human beings, and other animated things. In our daily routine life, man must be careful and concerned about these issues regarding pollution because it will be impossible to live without a perfect and favourable atmosphere. Every man should take various actions to increase the concern of the people. For this purpose, they can organize environmental drama, write poems to rescue the environment from pollution, and arrange poster making to create a group who will actively make a healthy and fresh environment to live a long life on the Earth. Afforestation is very effective to clean and get fresh air. Without clean air, no living things can breathe and survive in this environment. It is very easy to get pure water, fresh air, and greenery with a peaceful and serene atmosphere from a suitable environment. Humans are responsible for preventing nature, and a good and energetic atmosphere brings a good environment and happiness for everyone and children. It plays a crucial role in developing society and individuals to make a concerned citizen in the future. Our assignment help aims to back you up with comprehensive assistance
Due to advanced lifestyle and technology, many problems are arising in our world.
It is not easy to delete all notorious activities of humans. But these human activities that have a bad impact on the environment can be reduced with the support and concern of everybody following some ways-
Moreover, the contribution of the environment in life cannot be repaid. On the other hand, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning. It helps to regulate the vital system, which is much essential for the ecosystem. Besides that, it helps to maintain the quality and culture of Earth. Additionally, the environment handles different types of natural cycles daily. This type of cycle helps to keep the natural balance between the environment and living things. Get excellent “my assignment help” from experts
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