To accomplish any task, one needs motivation to do it. Without the required motivation, even beginning a task is difficult. Many students consider the idea of studying as boring and repetitive, but even they have to study when examinations are not far away. Some issues are just so distracting that they discourage students from doing anything. Studying being lower down on the priority list obviously gets affected immensely.
Here are 10 issues that endanger a student’s will to study, and their probable solutions.
The first issue that prevents students from studying is the thought that their professors are teaching irrelevant material. The students feel that this irrelevant material will not be of use to them in their life. If they feel that the topic is relevant, their interest is remarkable and they will study this topic with complete concentration. Unfortunately, if the thought of irrelevancy creeps into the students’ minds about a particular topic, no force or authority in the world can weed it out.
For example, if a male student has decided that he wants to become a European historian after college, the other topics concerning local and the rest of the world’s history automatically become irrelevant to him unless they are connected to Europe in any way. As a result, he will either opt to miss those particular classes or just sit in them to increase his attendance percentage with a disgruntled look on his face the entire time.
Suggested Solution for Students:
Try to keep an open mind. The University would not have included the topics in your course if they were not relevant. Pay attention to them even if you think they are just for general knowledge.
Some students have physical impairments like poor vision, sinus problems, cerebral palsy, epileptic seizures, dyslexia, Tic disorders (Motor tics) and twitches, etc. These can be found in isolation or in combinations. These impairments restrict students from concentrating fully on the current topic of study. This lack of concentration becomes annoying and frustrating for the students which results in them giving up completely. They lose the motivation to try and overcome these impairments. If the frequency and intensity of the impairments are just too much to bear, the students might just give up on studying altogether and fall into depression.
Injuries also have the same effect on students. They get exhausted with the troubles that the injury causes to their bodies while recovering. They decide to leave all coursework till they are fit again.
Suggested Solution for Students:
The solution for physically impaired students is not to lose hope. Even Stephen Hawking fought all the odds to become a leading physicist of our time. Take inspiration from such people and find the will to carry on and become great yourselves.
Family issues are a great factor for a decrease in students’ motivation and confidence levels.
Suggested Solution for Students:
The solution to these problems is to consult a psychiatrist and also to talk as much as possible to your friends and remainder of the family. They will make you feel comfortable and motivate you to continue with your studies.
Your college life and subsequent behavior depends on what kind of friends you make. If your friends are studious, well-mannered, energetic and addiction-free, you will have a great college life and be motivated at all times. If you make friends who love to gamble, drink excessively, are drug addicts, and are just averse to studying, your college life will initially be full of fun but then it will all go downhill sooner or later.
Skipping classes for a bit of fun is normal for any student, but doing it on a regular basis will kill your motivation to study. Excessive partying, drinking, gambling and drug abuse will give you a lot of pleasure at first. But when your grades start falling and you lose interest in studying, then you will realize your mistakes and maybe then, it will be too late.
Suggested Solution for Students:
Make good friends, have fun, watch movies, skip class once or twice in a year, play outdoor or indoor sports with them. Engage in healthy enjoyment and you will never have any motivation problems.
If children have been pampered a lot, they will always look for ways to avoid hard work. They think that their work will be done by someone else. These children will grow up to be extremely lazy and will keep putting off work till it is absolutely necessary. Even then, there is no guarantee that the work will be done.
If they get stuck doing their coursework, they will not make any effort to complete it. They are extremely nonchalant and do not care about other peoples’ advice.
Suggested Solution for Students:
The solution for this kind of problem is that parents have to speak to their children and make them understand the importance of hard work despite being pampered.
Nowadays, college students are burdened with too many assignments, homework and other coursework. They are also bogged down by the part-time jobs that they do to support their education. They do not get adequate leisure time or resting time. This leads to sleeping disorders and low overall energy. Low energy causes students to become lethargic, easily irritated and finicky. Their brain does not allow them to do anything because it severely lacks rest.
Not only are they unable to complete their coursework, but also they do not get sufficient time to study. This lack of time de-motivates the students immensely and they lose all interest in college studies.
Suggested Solution for Students:
Students should learn to balance their college work and job so that they get adequate time to rest and gain sufficient energy to complete all required tasks efficiently.
This is a common demoralizing factor in students who move away from their homes to study in a new place. Initially, they love the freedom, the new cuisine and the overall life. After a few months, they start missing their families and their home because they realize that no one can take care of them like their family does.
International students are more prone to homesickness. The new country has a different culture and lifestyle than what they have been used to since childhood. Financial issues make them miss the safety of their native place more. And naturally, when they fall sick, they miss their family the most.
Suggested Solution for Students:
International students can remove homesickness by making good friends who will love you like you are their extended family. Students should remember that the study period is only 2-3 years. Persevere through this time to be with your family again without any regrets. You can even visit your family in semester breaks if possible.
If particular students are not natives of the place of study, they are not made to feel welcome by the natives who are themselves afraid of new people due to the recent terrorist acts. Also, prevalent ostracization due to a sense of racial superiority in some countries makes studying there very discouraging for students.
Religious intolerance is also a factor that forces social ostracization. A nation that has one religion as its national religion might not always tolerate people of other faiths residing in their country. This makes it a volatile place for students.
Suggested Solution for Students:
Before choosing a college, conduct a research on all social and political scenarios of your college’s country. Make sure it is safe for you to study and reside there without problems like social ostracization.
Students who have faced a troubled childhood in the form of abuse in some manner tend to be socially awkward. They do not like people touching them or talking to them and like being alone.
This loneliness then creeps up to them when they see other people happily conversing with each other. This leads to self-pity and other feelings of low self-esteem. They also lack confidence while speaking to anyone. This is why they tend to stay away from people.
Suggested Solution for Students:
This kind of social awkwardness disallows any kind of motivation to develop in the student. Students who face these problems have to come out from their shells and interact more. Not all people can hurt you; some will protect you and love you far more than you can imagine
In this Internet-savvy age, most of us are regular users of technological advancements in gaming and social media. Sony’s PlayStation has revolutionized gathering of male friends. In recent times, this gaming console is the sole reason why friends meet at all!
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. give students a false sense of fame and care. Sometimes, if students don’t get as many likes as they expected on their recent profile picture change, they become sad and lose interest in studying and other tasks. Also, if a celebrity follows them back or re-tweets their tweets, they develop a feeling of becoming famous and think that that their social status has increased. Again, interest in studies is lost in this case.
Suggested Solution for Students:
Students should spend less time on these distractions. No one is disallowing their use, but use them only in your leisure time. When it is time to study, concentrate on studying.
There will be lot of issues that may force students to lose motivation and interest in their studies. They can suck students into a life of false belief and addictions. The students have to fight these issues themselves along with the help of their friends, families, and professionals like psychiatrists, advisors, etc. If students lose motivation, they will be unable to complete their education resulting in a lack of employment that will in turn lead to more misery. So, follow the solutions and fight the study distractions to motivate yourself for a better future.
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